Bringing Colour to the Dreary Winter at Hog Roast Kingston

Hog Roast Tunbridge WellsWhen it is as cold and grey as it has been outside for the last few weeks, you need a little pick me up in the form of an event. And when you have events that are unfortunately under as cold, grey, and dreary a sky as we have had the last few weeks, it is also going to help to have a caterer that can bring a bit of colour back into the day!

That is what we at Hog Roast Kingston can promise to do. Our catering is always designed with style and presentation in mind; on the most grey of days we hope to spark a bit of life and colour back into the day through our vibrant, textured, and delicious foods. With a Hog Roast Kingston spread, you can blow away any grey skies!

Now you may look at our signature hog roast and wonder quite what colour it is we are talking about. After all, there is no old “beige” thought about your regular roast plate. In our case however, we would have to disagree. Our hog roast is a lovely deep golden-bronze, and it pairs excellently with the red of our own cranberry sauce, our green leaves, our colourful coleslaw, and pairs up with those excellent golden roasties.

Hog Roast Hayward's HeathBut of course we also have far more ways to bring the colour to your event. One such option is our excellent antipasti platters and our grazing table spread. With fine Italian meats bringing a good mix of red and pinks, our finest Italian cheeses bringing a good dark and pale yellow or white to the mix, and our freshest leaves and salads bringing all the mix of reds, greens, purples, yellows that you could want to brighten up a spread, you’ve got an event that is going to make guests quickly forget about the dreariness of the day!

With our al fresco menus and our antipasti platters, there is no room for dreariness at all. Grey be gone, we say! So, come and bring some colour back with us at Hog Roast Kingston today!